Introduction, Stefanie Buchenau (University Paris 8 Saint-Denis, France) And Ansgar Lyssy (Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich, Germany)1. The Presumptive Unity of Humankind in Locke's Essay, Philippe Hamou (Universite de Paris 10 - Nanterre, France)2. Human Nature in Montesquieu, Celine Spector (Universite de Paris 1 - Sorbonne, France)3. The Image of the Human Being in the Comte de Buffon, Catherine Wilson (York University, UK)4. Hume on Humanity and the Party of Humankind, Jacqueline Taylor (University of San Francisco, USA)5. Humankind and Humanity in Diderot, Ansgar Lyssy (Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich, Germany)6. 'How do Humans become Human(e)?' On Rousseau's Second Discourse and Emile, Gabrielle Radica (University of Picardie Jules Verne, France)7. 'In the human kind, the species has a progress as well as the individual': Adam Ferguson on the progress of mankind, Norbert Waszek (Universite de Paris 8 - St. Denis, France) and Eveline Hauck (State University of Campinas, Brazil)8. The Association of Science and Civilization in the Enlightenment, Stephen Gaukroger (University of Sydney, Australia)9. Philoctetes at the Edge of Humanity. The German Enlightenment on Social Exclusion and Humanisation, Stefanie Buchenau (University Paris 8 Saint-Denis, France)10. Enlightenment Moral Psychologies: Herder, Rousseau, Kant, Nigel Desouza (University of Ottawa, Canada)11. Herder on Humanity, Michael Forster (University of Chicago, USA)12. Blumenbach on the Varieties of the Human Species, Francois Duchesneau (University of Montreal, Canada)13. Can Kant's 'Man' be a Woman?, Charlotte Morel (CNRS / ENS Paris, France)14. 'Anthroponomy'. Kant on the Natural and the Rational Human Being, Guenter Zoeller (Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich, Germany)Index |