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The Story of Art (Pocket Edition)


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    Introduction: On Art and Artists
    Strange Beginnings: Prehistoric and Primitive Peoples; Ancient America
    Art for Eternity: Egypt, Mesopotamia, Crete
    The Great Awakening: Greece, Seventh to Fifth Century BC
    The Realm of Beauty: Greece and the Greek World, Fourth Century BC to First Century AD
    World Conquerors: Romans, Buddhists, Jews and Christians, First to Fourth Century AD
    A Parting of Ways: Rome and Byzantium, Fifth to Thirteenth Century
    Looking Eastwards: Islam, China, Second to Thirteenth Century
    Western Art in the Melting Pot: Europe, Sixth to Eleventh Century
    The Church Militant: The Twelfth Century
    The Church Triumphant: The Thirteenth Century
    Courtiers and Burghers: The Fourteenth Century
    The Conquest of Reality: The Early Fifteenth Century
    Tradition and Innovation I: The Later Fifteenth Century in Italy
    Tradition and Innovation II: The Fifteenth Century in the North
    Harmony Attained: Tuscany and Rome, Early Sixteenth Century
    Light and Colour: Venice and Northern Italy, Early Sixteenth Century
    The New Learning Spreads: Germany and the Netherlands, Early Sixteenth Century
    A Crisis of Art: Europe, Later Sixteenth Century
    Vision and Visions: Catholic Europe, First Half of the Seventeenth Century
    The Mirror of Nature: Holland, Seventeenth Century
    Power and Glory I: Italy, Later Seventeenth and Eighteenth Centuries
    Power and Glory II: France, Germany and Austria, Late Seventeenth and Early Eighteenth Centuries
    The Age of Reason: England and France, Eighteenth Century
    The Break in Tradition: England, America and France, Late Eighteenth and Early Nineteenth Centuries
    Permanent Revolution: The Nineteenth Century
    In Search of New Standards: The Late Nineteenth Century
    Experimental Art: The First Half of the Twentieth Century
    A Story without End: The Triumph of Modernism
    Another Turning of the Tide
    The Changing Past
    A Note on Art Books
    Chronological Charts
    List of Illustrations by Location
    Index and Glossary
    Table of Contents provided by Publisher. All Rights Reserved.


    The Story of Art, one of the most famous and popular books on art ever written, has been a world bestseller for over half a century. Attracted by the simplicity and clarity of his writing, readers of all ages and backgrounds have found in Professor Gombrich a true master, who combines knowledge and wisdom with a unique gift for communicating his deep love of the subject.

    For this new, compact edition The Story of Art has been completely redesigned, giving a fresh perspective to Gombrich's well-loved text. The illustrations, collected together in a separate section towards the back of the book for easy reference, vividly illustrate the lively and engaging narrative and are in colour throughout.

    The Story of Art has always been admired for two key qualities: it is a pleasure to read and a pleasure to handle. In these respects the pocket edition is no exception, combining smoothly flowing text with a clear, simple design in a convenient and accessible format. The new edition allows this classic work to continue its triumphant progress for another generation, and to remain the title of first choice for all newcomers to art.


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