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Designing Machine Learning Systems : An Iterative Process for Production-Ready Applications


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    "This is, simply, the very best book you can read about how to build, deploy, and scale machine learning models at a company for maximum impact. Chip is a masterful teacher, and the breadth and depth of her knowledge is unparalleled."

    - Josh Wills, Software Engineer at WeaveGrid and former Director of Data Engineering, Slack

    "There is so much information one needs to know to be an effective machine learning engineer. It's hard to cut through the chaff to get the most relevant information, but Chip has done that admirably with this book. If you are serious about ML in production, and care about how to design and implement ML systems end to end, this book is essential."

    - Laurence Moroney, AI and ML Lead, Google

    "One of the best resources that focuses on the first principles behind designing ML systems for production. A must-read to navigate the ephemeral landscape of tooling and platform options."

    - Goku Mohandas, Founder of Made With ML

    "Chip's manual is the book we deserve and the one we need right now. In a blooming but chaotic ecosystem, this principled view on end-to-end ML is both your map and your compass: a must-read for practitioners inside and outside of Big Tech¡ªespecially those working at 'reasonable scale.' This book will also appeal to data leaders looking for best practices on how to deploy, manage, and monitor systems in the wild."

    - Jacopo Tagliabue, Director of AI, Coveo; Adj. Professor of MLSys, NYU

    "Chip is truly a world-class expert on machine learning systems, as well as a brilliant writer. Both are evident in this book, which is a fantastic resource for anyone looking to learn about this topic."

    - Andrey Kurenkov, PhD Candidate at the Stanford AI Lab


    Chapter Page
    Preface ix
    1. Overview of Machine Learning Systems 1
    When to Use Machine Learning 3
    Machine Learning Use Cases 9
    Understanding Machine Learning Systems 12
    Machine Learning in Research Versus in Production 12
    Machine Learning Systems Versus Traditional Software 22
    Summary 23
    2. Introduction to Machine Learning Systems Design 25
    Business and ML Objectives 26
    Requirements for ML Systems 29
    Reliability 29
    Scalability 30
    Maintainability 31
    Adaptability 31
    Iterative Process 32
    Framing ML Problems 35
    Types of ML Tasks 36
    Objective Functions 40
    Mind Versus Data 43
    Summary 46
    3. Data Engineering Fundamentals 49
    Data Sources 50
    Data Formats 53
    JSON 54
    Row-Major Versus Column-Major Format 54
    Text Versus Binary Format 57
    Data Models 58
    Relational Model 59
    NoSQL 63
    Structured Versus Unstructured Data 66
    Data Storage Engines and Processing 67
    Transactional and Analytical Processing 67
    ETL: Extract, Transform, and Load 70
    Modes of Dataflow 72
    Data Passing Through Databases 72
    Data Passing Through Services 73
    Data Passing Through Real-Time Transport 74
    Batch Processing Versus Stream Processing 78
    Summary 79
    4. Training Dat 81
    Sampling 82
    Nonprobability Sampling 83
    Simple Random Sampling 84
    Stratified Sampling 84
    Weighted Sampling 85
    Reservoir Sampling 86
    Importance Sampling 87
    Labeling 88
    Hand Labels 88
    Natural Labels 91
    Handling the Lack of Labels 94
    Class Imbalance 102
    Challenges of Glass Imbalance 103
    Handling Class Imbalance 105
    Data Augmentation 113
    Simple Label-Preserving Transformations 114
    Perturbation 114
    Data Synthesis 116
    Summary 118
    5. Feature Engineering 119
    Learned Features Versus Engineered Features 120
    Common Feature Engineering Operations 123
    Handling Missing Values 123
    Scaling 126
    Discretization 128
    Encoding Categorical Features 129
    Feature Crossing 132
    Discrete and Continuous Positional Embeddings 133
    Data Leakage 135
    Common Causes for Data Leakage 137
    Detecting Data Leakage 140
    Engineering Good Features 141
    Feature Importance 142
    Feature Generalization 144
    Summary 146
    6. Model Development and Offline Evaluation 149
    Model Development and Training 150
    Evaluating ML Models 150
    Ensembles 156
    Experiment Tracking and Versioning 162
    Distributed Training 168
    Auto ML 172
    Model Offline Evaluation 178
    Baselines 179
    Evaluation Methods 181
    Summary 188
    7. Model Deployment and Prediction Service 191
    Machine Learning Deployment Myths 194
    Myth 1: You Only Deploy One or Two ML Models at a Time 194
    Myth 2: If We Don't Do Anything, Model Performance Remains the Same 195
    Myth 3: You Won't Need to Update Your Models as Much 196
    Myth 4: Most ML Engineers Don't Need to Worry About Scale 196
    Batch Prediction Versus Online Prediction 197
    From Batch Prediction to Online Prediction 201
    Unifying Batch Pipeline and Streaming Pipeline 203
    Model Compression 206
    Low-Rank Factorization 206
    Knowledge Distillation 208
    Pruning 208
    Quantization 209
    ML on the Cloud and on the Edge 212
    Compiling and Optimizing Models for Edge Devices 214
    ML in Browsers 222
    Summary 223
    8. Data Distribution Shifts and Monitoring 225
    Causes of ML System Failures 226
    Software System Failures 227
    ML-Specific Failures 229
    Data Distribution Shifts 237
    Types of Data Distribution Shifts 237
    General Data Distribution Shifts 241
    Detecting Data Distribution Shifts 242
    Addressing Data Distribution Shifts 248
    Monitoring and Observability 250
    ML-Specific Metrics 251
    Monitoring Toolbox 256
    Observability 259
    Summary 261
    9. Continual Learning and Test in Production 263
    Continual Learning 264
    Stateless Retraining Versus Stateful Training 265
    Why Continual Learning? 268
    Continual Learning Challenges 270
    Four Stages of Continual Learning 274
    How Often to Update Your Models 279
    Test in Production 281
    Shadow Deployment 282
    A/B Testing 283
    Canary Release 285
    Interleaving Experiments 285
    Bandits 287
    Summary 291
    10. Infrastructure and Tooling for MLOps 293
    Storage and Compute 297
    Public Cloud Versus Private Data Centers 300
    Development Environment 302
    Dev Environment Setup 303
    Standardizing Dev Environments 306
    From Dev to Prod: Containers 308
    Resource Management 311
    Cron, Schedulers, and Orchestrators 311
    Data Science Workflow Management 314
    ML Platform 319
    Model Deployment 320
    Model Store 321
    Feature Store 325
    Build Versus Buy 327
    Summary 329
    11. The Human Side of Machine Learning 331
    User Experience 331
    Ensuring User Experience Consistency 332
    Combatting "Mostly Correct" Predictions 332
    Smooth Failing 334
    Team Structure 334
    Cross-functional Teams Collaboration 335
    End-to-End Data Scientists 335
    Responsible AI 339
    Irresponsible AI: Case Studies 341
    A Framework for Responsible AI 347
    Summary 353
    Epilogue 355
    Index 357


    Machine learning systems are both complex and unique. Complex because they consist of many different components and involve many different stakeholders. Unique because they're data dependent, with data varying wildly from one use case to the next. In this book, you'll learn a holistic approach to designing ML systems that are reliable, scalable, maintainable, and adaptive to changing environments and business requirements.

    Author Chip Huyen, co-founder of Claypot AI, considers each design decision--such as how to process and create training data, which features to use, how often to retrain models, and what to monitor--in the context of how it can help your system as a whole achieve its objectives. The iterative framework in this book uses actual case studies backed by ample references.

    This book will help you tackle scenarios such as:

    Engineering data and choosing the right metrics to solve a business problem
    Automating the process for continually developing, evaluating, deploying, and updating models
    Developing a monitoring system to quickly detect and address issues your models might encounter in production
    Architecting an ML platform that serves across use cases
    Developing responsible ML systems


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