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art brut pieces cannot be produced in large quantities and even the existing pieces are quickly disappearing because of the following reasons. First, collecting and preserving the artworks have been difficult because even the family members of the artists, not to mention the general public, are not aware of the value of these pieces. Second, there are many schizopherenic patients that are confined to

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mental hospitals and the government is actively implementing strong rehabilitation programs. As a result, it is difficult to approach art brut artists. Furthermore, they cannot freely engage in painting as they very much do not have their own time, making it difficult for them to develop their full potential. Finally, most of them draw paintings as part of art therapy and most of the times the drawings are just average pieces of work. Accordingly, it is estimated that only about thirty to fifty artists produce artistic pieces that are just as good as those of any other mainstream works of art. As a result, pure art brut pieces with high-quality artistic value, as defined by Jean Dubuffet, are very rare in Korea.


les ©«uvres de l¢¥art brut ne peuvent pas être produites en quantité, et même quelques oeuvres sont en train de disparaître pour plusieurs raisons. Tout d¢¥abord, la collection et la conservation des ©«uvre sont difficiles parce que la famille des artistes de l¢¥art brut(je ne généralise pas) ne connaît pas bien la valeur artistique de ces oeuvres. Deuxièmement, de nombreux patients schizophrènes sont hospitalisés dans les hôpitaux en Corée et le gouvernement soutient à travers des programmes de réhabilitation de l¢¥hôpital. Par conséquent, il est difficile de s¢¥approcher des artistes de l¢¥art brut. De plus, en raision du manque de temps, les artistes potentiels ont des difficultés à développer leurs talents. Enfin la plupart des malades mentaux effectuent des activités artisques dans le cadre dˋart de la thérapie, pas dans le cadre d'amélioration de leur créativité. Pour le moment, il n¢¥y a qu¢¥environ 30 à 50 artistes mentalement handicapés qui ont aussi leur talent artistique que les artistes professionnels. Ainsi, les oeuvres de l¢¥art brut ayant une grande valeur artistique définit par Jean Dubuffet sont très rares en Corée.


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However, as transportation and communication media advance, these art brut artists have become exposed to more works of established artists directly and indirectly. As a result, it may be only natural that these art brut artists are influenced by them. Moreover, they say the meaning of art brut is expanding to include radical art work such as outsider art that is distinct from mainstream works of art. With this trend in mind, Art Brut Korea has seriously been considering if we should stick to what Jean Dubuffet defined as pure art brut or expand the boundary to include outsider art. Until now, we have focused on discovering schizophrenic artists and collecting their pieces. However, we have recently expanded our search to include autistic and mentally retarded artists. It is also worth nothing that we are also introducing Korea's traditional Zen works

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 as we view them as part of outsider art. Thus, like art brut of other countries, Korea tries to have it both ways - on the one hand, trying to maintain pure "art brut" as defined by Jean Dubuffet and on the other hand, encompassing outsider art including Korea's Zen paintings.

Heureusement, le développement du réseau de transport et de communication permit aux artistes d¢¥art brut de rencontrer directement ou indirectement les ©«uvres des artistes professionnels et d'être influencés. Le champs de l¢¥art brut est de plus en plus large pour indiquer aussi les formes d¢¥art radicales telles que l¢¥art brut qui ne suit pas les grandes tendances. L¢¥¢¥Art Brut Corée se demande si la signification de l¢¥art brut doit suivre ce que Jean Dubuffet définit (il définit l¢¥art brut comme l'art pur) ou être élargie pour indiquer aussi l¢¥art ¡¶outsider¡·. J¢¥ai un grand intérêt non seulement pour la découverterd des artistes schizophrène et la collection de leurs ©«uvres, mais aussi pour la dêcouverte des artistes autistes et mentalement retretardés. J¢¥inclus la peinture traditionnelle coréennee zen comme une partie de l¢¥art ¡¶outsider¡· dans ce livre. Ainsi, comme l¢¥art brut des autres pays, celle de la Corée comprend aussi à la fois ¡¶l¢¥art brut¡·défini par Jean Dubuffet, l¢¥art ¡¶outsider¡·y compris la peinture zen de Corée.



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Korea Art Brut




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by minyoung

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A French artist named Jean Ddubuffet defined art brut near the end of World War ¥±. The French word "brut" means "primitive", "unrefined", and "pure". Art brut refers to the rough forms of art created by the mentally ill, prisoners, or the children. In the United States, art brut is called "outsider art" or "borderline art". However, as defined by Jean Dubuffet, art brut primarily refers to the works of art created by the mentally ill. Meanwhile, outsider art has a broader meaning that encompasses not only the art of the mentally ill but also any unconventional art piece that is different from (and that cannot trace its historical root to) any mainstream art trends. In China, art brut is called primitive art. In Korea, since most artists are the weak in the society, I would call Korea's art brut "minorities' art". I would use a word associated with social class (as Korea is a single-race nation, the word 'minority' has more of a connotation of social class than of race) instead of a word representing the artistic value of art brut. The reason is that the mentally ill are still a minority in our society and as such, still greatly discriminated. Unless the situation is turned around, the growth of art brut and the recognition of its artistic beauty will be difficult.




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For decades, there has been a great deal of art brut activities in most developed countries such as the United States and France. They have galleries dedicated to the art work of art brut and held exhibitions of art brut actively. One such gallery is the Art Brut Gallery in Lausanne, Switzerland. Of such art brut activities, the 'Outsider Art Fair' held in the beginning of each year in New York has already been established as a mainstream market for art brut work. However, in the case of Korea, the very 'existence' of art brut has not been very much recognized, making it virtually impossible for its art work to be collected, and there has been much less academic studies on it. Simply put, there have not been any art exhibitions in Korea that promoted the artistic value of art brut work nor the concept of Jean Dubuffet who first defined it. Art Brut Korea, founded in the spring of 2008, held its first exhibition in October 2009 with 72 works of five artists. It also held the second exhibition at the invitation of Korea's National Assembly in February 2010. Prior to these exhibitions, in February 2009, five pieces of Youngae Joo were displayed in Japan's NOMA Expo. Currently, Art Brut Korea is preparing for the Korea Art Brut Fair slated for November 2011.



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2008³â 3¿ù Çѱ¹ ¾Æ¸£ºê·ò °á¼º

2009³â 2¿ù ÀϺ» NOMA Àü½Ãȸ Âü¿©

2009³â 10¿ù Çѱ¹ ÃÖÃÊ ¾Æ¸£ºê·ò Àü½Ãȸ °³ÃÖ

2010³â 2¿ù ´ëÇѹα¹ ±¹È¸ÃÊû 
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2010³â 5¿ù ±¹°¡ ºñ¿µ¸®´Üü µî·Ï

2010³â 9¿ù ¼­¿ïÇü »çȸÀû ±â¾÷ÁöÁ¤

2011³â 11¿ù Çѱ¹ ÃÖÃÊ ¾Æ¸£ºê·ò ¾ÆÆ®Æä¾î ¿¹Á¤



[Brief History of Art Brut Korea]

March 2008 Founded Art Brut Korea

February 2009 Participated in Japan's NOMA Expo

October 2009 Held Art Brut Korea exhibition, 
            the first of its kind in Korea

February 2010 Held Art Brut Korea exhibition 
            at the invitation of the National Assembly

May 2010 Registered as 
            a national non-profit organization

September 2010 Nominated as 
            a social enterprise by the City of Seoul

November 2011 Plans to hold 
            the first Korea Art Brut Fair

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The artistic value of art brut relies on madness as expressed in some part of Vincent van Gogh's art. Most art brut artists' works are expressed through psychopathological (though I hesitate to use this word) energy and so, it can be safely said that the general public is viewing their peculiar world of mind through their artistic work. I have collected art brut pieces over the past five years. As I collected them, I have often felt that these pieces are mysterious and secretive so much so that they cannot be simply called the pieces of surrealism and abstractionism. Prejudice and negative views about the mentally ill can cause people to depreciate their work and artistic beauty. However, the unique beauty of art brut will eventually touch the hearts of people, leading to the recognition of the artistic value of art brut.




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Korea Art Brut




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by minyoung

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