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English Vocabulary in Use Pre-Intermediate and Intermediate Book and CD-ROM Pack  | ¿µ¾îÇнÀ 2009.06.23 21:52:21

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Cambridge University Press | 2006/03/27
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English Vocabulary in Use Pre-Intermediate and Intermediate Book and CD-ROM Pack (2nd Edition/ Paperback)

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 Cambridge International Corpus°¡ Á¦°øÇÏ´Â ´Ü¾î¿Í ±¸¹®À» È°¿ëÇÏ¿© 
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The place where you live, City life, In the office µîµî 
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Introduction vi
Using this book 1(203)
Learning and revising with this book have a routine, revision, say the word aloud
Keeping a vocabulary notebook record, the most important thing is...
Using a dictionary look up a word, guess the meaning
English language words adjective, phrasal verb, question mark
Classroom language board pen, share a book, swap places
Word formation
Prefixes un-, in-, im-, dis-
Noun suffixes -ment, -ity, -ness, -tion
Adjective suffixes -able, -ive, -al, -y
Nouns and verbs with the same form guess/to guess, kiss/to kiss, rest/to rest
Compound nouns traffic light, tin opener, credit card, film star
Compound adjectives easy-going, well-known, part-time
Phrase building
Collocation (word partners) miss the bus, a soft drink, fast asleep
Idioms and fixed expressions never mind, go ahead, take it in turns
Verb or adjective + preposition depend on, belong to, interested in
Preposition + noun by train, on the radio, in a hurry
Apologies, excuses and thanks sorry I'm late, I got held up, thanks a lot
Requests, invitations and suggestions Could you ...? How about ...? if you like
Opinions, agreeing and disagreeing What do you think of ...? a brilliant idea
Likes, preferences and interests I quite like, and that sort of thing, I'd rather
Frequently asked questions How's it going? What's the matter?
Common responses I hope so, that sounds great, what a shame
Greetings, farewells and special expressions Nice to meet you, see you soon, good luck
Phrasal verbs (1): form and meaning wake up, find out, run out of sth
Phrasal verbs (2): grammar and style take sth off, grow up, break down
Have and have got have a rest, I've got a headache, have a look
Make, do and take make a mistake, do homework, take a photo
Give, keep, break, see give sb a ring, break a record, I see
Leave, catch and let leave a message, catch a bus, let sb know
Get: uses and expressions get dressed, get married, get on with
Go: uses and expressions go for a drink, have a go, go deaf
The senses it looks nice, it feels like wool, don't touch
Partitives: a bag of ..., a bit of ... a cup of coffee, a bit of luck, a pair of shoes
Parts of speech (special problems)
Uncountable nouns and plural nouns information (U), trousers (pl)
Verbs + -ing form or infinitive enjoy + -ing, refuse + infinitive
Verb patterns advise him to go ..., suggest (that) we leave
Adjectives boring or bored, big or enormous
Prepositions: place at the bus stop, on the floor, past the castle
Adverbs: frequency and degree I rarely go, I quite often drive, rather good
Connecting and linking
Time and sequence as soon as, while, eventually
Addition and contrast as well, although, however
Similarities, differences, comparisons, exceptions very similar, compared with, apart from
Reason, purpose, result, condition so, because of, so that, therefore, unless
The world around us
The physical world round the world, Sahara Desert, floods
Weather heavy rain, a strong wind, lightning
Animals and insects pets, elephants, in the wild, protect
Countries, nationality and language Poland, the far East, the French, in general
The body and what it can do elbow, neck, breathe in, shake hands
Describing people's appearance good-looking, tall and slim, fair hair
Describing character shy, show your feelings, a sense of humour
Human feelings and actions angry, proud of, glance at, have a stroll
Family and friends mother-in-law, close friend, ex-husband
Ages and stages childhood, go to university, in your twenties
Daily life
Daily routines fall asleep, have a shower, get to work
The place where you live right in the centre, on the first floor, rent
Around the home (1) spare room, lamp, cupboard, turn on the TV
Around the home (2) pillows, have a wash, do the ironing
Everyday problems spill, out of order, run out of bread
Money ¡Ì10 note, lend and borrow, can't afford
Health: illness I don't feel well, flu, I get backache
Health: physical injuries break an arm, go to hospital, painful
Clothes skirt, earrings, put on a coat, too small
Shops and shopping go shopping, department store, cash desk
Food peach, peel an orange, lamb, salad dressing
Cooking and restaurants fresh bread, medium-rare, main course
City life the rush hour, shopping centre, lively
Life in the country rural area, on a farm, the nearest village
On the road main road, turn left, break down
Transport get on the bus, go by car, platform two
Work: duties, pay and conditions What do you do?, deal with, salary
Jobs surgeon, design buildings, in the army
The career ladder apply for a job, pay rise, work abroad
In the office send e-mail, do paperwork, it isn't working
Business and finance interest rate, profit and loss, rise sharply
Leisure and entertainment
Sport: ball games table tennis, pass the ball, win a game
Sport and leisure swimming, go to the gym, support a team
Cinema and theatre stage, third row, war film, violent, gripping
Music composer, lead singer, hit single, latest CD
Communication and technology
Newspapers daily paper, headline, according to...
Television switch over, soap opera, What's on TV?
On the phone mobile phone, wrong number, Is that Mary?
Computers and the Internet hard disk, download, get online, browse
Social concerns
Education: school primary school, geography, pass an exam
Education: university engineering, do a degree, graduate, PhD
Law and order illegal, break the law, arrest someone, guilty
Crime shoplifting, robbery, late at night, valuables
Politics believe in democracy, left-wing, election
Bureaucracy identity card, fill in, signature, date of birth
Global problems pollution, destroy the planet, civil war
Air travel check-in desk, land, a two-hour delay
Hotels and restaurants single room, pay the bill, Is dinner included?
A sightseeing holiday in the city have a look round, guidebook, nightlife
Holidays by the sea seaside resort, sunbathe, sandy beach
Notional concepts
Time on Monday, since May, it takes an hour
Numbers two million, one and a half, divide by three
Distance, size and dimension a long way, too far, How wide is it?
Shapes, colours and patterns a round table, a dark green skirt, yellowish
Varieties of English
Notices and warnings sold out, no exit, mind the step, no parking
Vague language a vague idea, things, stuff, a bit, roughly
Formal and informal English buy vs purchase, kids vs children
Abbreviations and abbreviated words CV, MP, e.g., etc., lab, fridge, bike
Answer key 204(38)
Phonemic symbols 242(1)
Pronunciation problems 243(1)
Index 244(19)
Acknowledgements 263

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´ÙÀ½±Û : 100ÃþÂ¥¸® Áý~!  2009.06.23 22:44:45
ÀÌÀü±Û : English Idioms in Use with Answers   2009.06.23 21:47:37